Re: [orca-list] solved: contracted braille now works on my borrowed braille sense


no not yet we are still on 2.6.2.

By the way the -j flag for make tells your system to use that amount of
cores on the CPU, or use -j to use them all.

Glad Manjaro devs were able to help you out so promptly.



On 28/08/16 06:08, kendell clark wrote:
hi all

I've managed to solve the problem where turning on "enable contracted
braille" in orca's settings would cause the display to go blank. It
turned out to be a liblouis problem like joanie thought. For arch
users, the maintainer of the liblouis package needs to add the
"--enable-ucs4" option to the pkgbuild in the "./configure" line, and
change the "make" command to "make -j1". That'll solve the problem.
Liblouis needs updating also, the arch package is on 2.6.5, when
version 3.0 is out. For anyone who uses sonar I've already done this,
and you just need to watch for a liblouis update. Well, to be
completely honest the manjaro people figured out the problem I was
stumped and didn't know what to do, so thanks to them contracted
braille should now work. I'm not sure about vinux users, are you guys
on liblouis v3.0 yet? I suspect if not, luke will push an update to
his accessibility PPA so you shouldn't have to do anything but wait
for an update.


Kendell Clark

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