[orca-list] Great job with Orca and GMail

I just wanted to post a thank you and a change of opinion that is related.
I've used orca and firefox a bit over the years, first mostly with basic html view, and as gmail got their act together and orca's firefox support improved a bit with the standard view.
Honestly my use of the standard gmail view was for testing most of the time, and I got more favorable results/did occasionally just use it.
Well tonight I was using firefox and needed an emailed link. I did not want to open an email client. I'd not used gmail from a browser on this box, so I got the standard view.
I can only say wow! Responsiveness was great, and things work intuitively.
This experience was so good that as long as I have a good fast connection I can see doing a significant bit of my gmailing with firefox/orca and the standard interface.
Some of the improvement is surely due to having a decent connection now which I've not always had, but a big thank you goes out to Joani, and I'll send this along to the gmail team as well.
Virtual hug!
I will still do most of my email work with Mutt, and t-bird will always stay in the tool kit, but now I can happily add modern webmail, and this is going a long way towards me overcoming my prejudice against webmail users...smile  
I see an "insert file using drive" option that's been added since last time I composed gmail from a browser/will be very handy.
b.h. el Rey Lampago

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