Re: [orca-list] OT: looking for volunteers for the tintin sound pack

I, I think we, do not understand stilll, or are you saying that Storm is stopping his work on this?

   Registerd Linux User 521886

  kendell clark wrote:
Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 06:57:48PM -0600

I haven't added the features yet. It's why the fork was created, so I can
get help from the community to add them, since I don't know the code well
enough to add them on my own. I'm tired of hoping for scraps from "willing"
windows blind users so I'm taking the matter into my own hands. I need help
though, since I know little of the underlying tintin code. It's worth noting
that you don't need to know the language tintin is written in to contribute,
but rather the tintin scripting language that's used to write the triggers,
as well as some bash scripting. I know a little of both but not enough for
something like this
Kendell clark

Kendell clark

chrys87 web de wrote:
I didnt olay altereon but and do not realy understand that story..:
why is this forked from strom_dragons git
( without merging the
features back to that repo?
storms repo is more active and the last commits are just hours ago? so
what is the problem here? This seems to be a good example how we can fork
us death insteed of working together. is a lot of commits behind
storms master.
The talk about self voicing stuff i didnt understand. orca reads the
gnome-terminal pretty well (with exeptions about a few bugs). what problem
do you have here? Maybe i missunderstand.
creating a new MUD client is not a simple task (and not the most usefull
at all). so its better to Improve the existing ones. maybe you want to try
KBTin. Or do you just want a GUI for Tintin++?
The communuty and also me are always there if someone needs help. So dont
scare just try yourself on that stuff :).
Maybe we should be more involved "the other side" community insteeed to
seperate them :). Seperation of people is never a good thing.
wat was the reason for your "complex", if I  am able to ask :)? How the
situatuin could Improoved for you? What do you mean with more active? of
course windows has more users so a community could be bigger.
We were also not fruitless :), Just a few hitpoints of the last year about
things I know :)
- Joanies and others wonderfull work on Orca i.e Luke rewrote the settings
code to store the settings in gsettings
- storm improved the altereon soundpack
- ocrdesktop
- strychnine
- SOPS Simple Orca Plugin System
- Beeping Progressbars (maybe soon available in Orca)
- currently I m working on Sound Icon support for orca. based on the sound
generator in the beeping progress bars (for now as fun project, but who

     So dont hang in :) see what the future brings and stay with a
     cool community ;).

Cheers Chrys
*Gesendet:* Mittwoch, 10. Februar 2016 um 11:51 Uhr
*Von:* "kendell clark" <coffeekingms gmail com>
*An:* orca-list <orca-list gnome org>
*Betreff:* [orca-list] OT: looking for volunteers for the tintin sound
hi all
As some of you may or may not know, tux, who created the tintin sound
packs for alteraeon, the adventurer's inn, and empiremud, has stopped
playing alteraeon. This has led to me forking his repository to continue
maintenance and add features. However, I can't do this on my own. Only
tux really understands the code well enough to add the features I would
like to add, such as ambience support (playing different sounds based on
the terrain you're in), and at some point, adding orca support so that
when incoming text occurrs, you get a new tell, you get attacked, etc
orca speaks. However this last one will have to wait until
speech-dispatcher and orca are changed to generate a speech-dispatcher
config that other apps can use, since orca doesn't support self voicing
apps directly. I'm looking for anyone who is willing to help me maintain
the pack and add features. Tux has said he would help, but he admits
himself his time isn't as free as it used to be, and I'm looking for
someone who wants to create a new user friendly mud client that's
approachable by someone completely new to linux. His pack is easy enough
to use, no doubt about that. But I would like to make it easier by
adding a graphical configuration dialog that would allow the user to set
options via checkboxes and input text fields rather than typed commands.
If anyone would like to check out the code, check out my repository at Note that my forking
the code does not in any way mean any disrespect to or lack of
appreciation for the considerable effort it took tux to create and
maintain this pack, but only that I recognize he's no longer mudding and
I want to build on his work and make it better.
This is the first in a series of steps I'm taking to renew my effort in
the open source community. There were a couple of months, late november
through early december, that I was seriously considering switching away
from linux back to windows, not because of anything linux couldn't do,
but simply because I had a "grass is greener on the other side" complex,
meaning I thought the windows accessibility community was more active.
Man am I glad to be wrong about that.

Thanks for reading
Kendell Clark

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