Re: [orca-list] Copying files in Gnome 3.18


Yes that is my understanding. There is no indication of progress once you start to cut or copy a file or folder.
This is a real pain for me and I'm currently using my older Fedora 22 
machine to do file copying which is still on Gnome 3.16.
It is disappointing that even the devs within Gnome don't seem to be 
considering accessibility when they "improve" things.
I'd welcome any suggested workarounds, or any pointers as to where to 
log bugs and make some noise.


On 15/02/16 12:05, Krishnakant wrote:
So does that mean in 3.18 we can't have the file copy paste updates spoken in Orca? If there is no work around then it is a show stopper and 3.18 can't be used.
Happy hacking.

On Monday 15 February 2016 05:11 PM, Nick Wood wrote:
Thanks Joanie - I'll log a bug against Nautilus.



On 15/02/16 04:34, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hi Nick.

I just took a look. That popover is only partially accessible. I'm not
seeing any accessible events from the progress bars, and the popover
doesn't seem to be keyboard navigable. So I'll keep this on my to-do
list to look into it further, but I'm afraid some changes are going to
need to be made in Nautilus.


On 02/13/2016 03:52 AM, Nick Wood wrote:
Hi all,

One of the changes in Gnome 3.18 is around the way file copy operations
are displayed.

Previously in Gnome 3.16 I got a progress dialog informing me of the
copy operation, which Orca could read successfully.

In Gnome 3.18, this behaviour has been changed so there is no longer a
progress dialog - instead there is an icon in the header bar which
visually shows the progress.

Is there any way for Orca to tell me what's happening with the file copy operations? It's quite difficult at the moment to know when things have
finished copying.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.



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