Re: [orca-list] Proposed patch for progress beeps


>>You're missing my point.
maybe, i read your mail again and for real i dont know what you are talking about. if i replace the corresponding codeparts with yours i cant hear nearby any difference between 1 and 100. there is also a typo percentage != percent please first consider to discuss before firing nonworking patches to anywhere.
I m pretty sure we will find a good solution :).
so maybe from the beginning XD because its late here. what would we like to change?
Am 17.02.2016 um 22:06 schrieb Nolan Darilek:
You're missing my point.

Yes, I can run your attachment and hear what it sounds like, but it isn't the same as pegging the progress bar to 2 fixed frequencies of cultural significance throughout much of the world, whose frequencies many more users intuitively know and don't have to remember.
Put another way, were I designing a GUI toolkit, I could arbitrarily 
decide that progress bars are 563 pixels long. When users voice 
frustrations that they don't know how far along progress bars are, I 
could show them a 563-pixel-wide GIF and say "now you know." Or I 
could just draw borders on the progress bar and remove all doubt.

On 02/17/2016 02:02 PM, chrys87 wrote:
Am 17.02.2016 um 20:38 schrieb Nolan Darilek:
I don't know what 3957 Hz sounds like, but I
just run the attached code... then you know it..
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