Re: [orca-list] Mapped SeaMonkey to Thunderbird script. Please test for breakage if you use SeaMonkey.

Hi, Joanye.

I would like to take this opportunity to write about one detail. In "seamonkey", "orca" is not the voice of the menu, from which you can launch any of the components. Ie it is a menu from which you can call the browser, email client, or linker. If you already know about it, then I ask for forgiveness for the false alarm.
25.02.2016 16:31, Joanmarie Diggs пишет:
Hi Max.

Since SeaMonkey is now using the Thunderbird script, it is expected that
issues you see in Thunderbird you will also see in SeaMonkey.


On 02/25/2016 09:04 AM, Max wrote:
Hi, Joanye.

Writing in my two previous letters, the same applies also to "seamonkey".

25.02.2016 09:28, Joanmarie Diggs пишет:
Hey all.

To solve Kendell's issue regarding mail composition in SeaMonkey, I just
mapped SeaMonkey to Thunderbird in the script manager. That should
hopefully get some of the support that is specific to email working
better in SeaMonkey than it was when mapped to Gecko. And it shouldn't
break anything (famous last words).

If you use SeaMonkey, please test for breakage; not perfection. If it
made things worse, please let me know.


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