Re: [orca-list] How to use spellcheckers with Orca?


Firstly Orca works very well with spellcheck.
If you try this in Thunderbird or Firefox, any wrong word will be announced as miss speled.
then you can move to that word with arrows and right click with the Orca mouce click keys.
With Libre office, the issue is not about Orca, perhaps you have not set your default language for all text.
In the tools menu you will get language selection go to all text and then select your language.
Now the Orca behaviour will be of some use because the spell check will be active.
Happy hakcing.

On Wednesday 20 January 2016 10:43 AM, luciano de souza wrote:
Hello all,

I was not able to use the spellchecker in Libreoffice Writer.

If I am on a wrongly writen word, by means of application menu, I can
choose the correct word.

But Orca does not say anything when a uncorrect word is found.

So my questions are:
1. With Orca, is it possible to use spellchecker in Libreoffice Writer?
2. Without Writer, is there another way to use a spellchecker which
interacts good with Orca?

Best regards,

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