3 steps: In a terminal type:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:accessibility-dev/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Op 26-01-16 om 04:03 schreef Chinthu RS:
I think I've missed the accessibility PPA post. Can you please
post it again?
As far as I have noticed both should work, but I do not use gnome
all that much so there may be some difference in notifications
reading I've missed.
For sure you should enable the accessability PPA that has been
posted here a few times by Luke and others I think so you can
always have a very recent
orca, and often newer versions of other accessability stack
conponents that can make our lives better.
Kendell and a couple other guys likely can fill in exactly what
accessability bugs effect each gnome release.
  Registerd Linux User 521886
 Krishnakant wrote:
Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 05:56:32PM +0530
> hello all,
> The subject line says it all.
> To elaborate, I am going to try out Ubuntu 15.10 and I am
aware that it
> comes with Gnome 3.16 by default.
> But I can upgrade to 3.18 using the Gnome PPA I guess.
> So I wish to know which should be the right version of Orca
and right
> version of Gnome for a production machine?
> My requirement is to access wifi points, read battry status,
use calc
> (spreadsheet) or some one word processor.
> I use Eclipse Luna which is pretty accessible.
> The menus should be accessible and I often need to read PDF
> alerts, such as wifi connection notifications, and pidgin
> should be announced.
> Volumen control and system settings need to be accessible.
> With this use case in mind, can some one suggest out of
> Happy hacking.
> Krishnakant.
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