Re: [orca-list] An accessible batch scanning software

Howdy again :),

i just forgot about to add you a link:
for sure its also available in your repositorys.

cheers chrys
Am 04.06.2016 um 12:28 schrieb chrys87:

LIOS can do your job.
I didnt try it yet, but in scanning preferences there are settings for "no of pages to scan" and "time between repeated scanning".
is also is made for OCR your images as well with cuneform or tesseract.

cheers chrys

Am 04.06.2016 um 09:50 schrieb luciano de souza:
Hello all,
I have bought a new scanner, but I haven't scanned books on Linux environments.
In Windows, I had a software for batch capture. In other words, when
scanning, it was not needed to send a command to scan for each page.
In stead of it, I could define a pattern time for the scanner process.
For example, if the time among to processings was 3 seconds, when the
light came back, I have time to change the pages of book before the
light start the new passage.
The time lost to start a new scanning, for each page, it's really big.
Does someone know a software in Linux with this requirement and
accessible with Orca?

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