Re: [orca-list] an odd bug

Hi Kendell.

I can not reproduce.
However, I do not use "voxim", as well as the English localization of the system. I have three speech synthesizer: "ru_tts", "RHVoice", and "espeak". Those anomalies that you describe, I do not see myself in.

kendell clark пишет:
This bug is indeed fixed, except for the following issues. If you use
the shortcut to switch profiles, it does switch synthesizers, tested on
mellisa's computer. But when it encounters a capital letter, the pitch
stays at the upper case pitch and never lowers until I focus on the
desktop. If you go into the orca preferences and press the ok button to
reload the settings, the speech slows down until you go into the
settings dialog and move the rate slider up and down once. These could
be voxin issues, I'll try with espeak to see if they exist there.
Kendell Clark

kendell clark wrote:
Wow, master fixed this one too. Thanks a lot for this one as well.
Kendell Clark

Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hey Kendell.

This is now fixed for me in master. Please verify. Thanks!

On 05/30/2016 02:09 AM, kendell clark wrote:
hi all
I'm writing in to report this bug on behalf of mellisa, my fiance. She's
just recently begun exploring linux a little bit, and she's run into a
bug. I've set a keyboard shortcut for the function to cycle to the next
settings profile, which is bound to orca+right arrow. While this does
work, it cycles to the next settings profile, the synthesizer doesn't
change. The rate and pitch do, but not the speech synthesizer. She uses
voxin along with espeak, usually voxin, and in order to make this work I
need to load the profile manually. This is with orca master, completely
up to date as of ten minutes ago, but it also happens with orca stable.
I can't test it hear since I don't have voxin, but I did test on her
machine and found the bug. Can anyone else confirm this? You don't need
to necessarily need to be using voxin, just two different speech
synthesizers. Set up a profile usint the other synth, and set a keyboard
shortcut to cycle to the next settings profile, which you can do by
going into the keybinding settings.

Kendell Clark

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