Re: [orca-list] unable to load list of clickables in orca master

hi there,
this issue also happens in orca-3.18.2-1
I have rezolved it for my self by changing the key binding it now
works, thanks for looking in to this for me :)
thanks for all of the work that you have done to orca, it rules!
what would we do with out your expertise?
thank you again,
Majid Hussain

On 01/03/2016, Joanmarie Diggs <jdiggs igalia com> wrote:
Hi Majid.

I'm not seeing this behavior. Do you also see it with earlier versions
of Orca on that same setup?

That said, from your description my guess is that you have a setup in
which ISO next group has been assigned in such a way as to be in
conflict with the Orca command.


On 03/01/2016 10:17 AM, Majid Hussain wrote:
hi all,
steps to reproduce
enter learn mode.
press shift+alt
 you hear ISO next group

what you should hear,
pressing shift+alt+a does nuthing in learn mode or when out of it.
using very very  latest orca master on sonar mate with all updates
i'm sorry if this is not a orca issue and if it is a sonar issue if
there is someone running sonar mate like my self could you pitch in?
my thanks,
Majid Hussain
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