Re: [orca-list] eclipse bug


confirmed. But this is a bug that is there for a long time already. I
don't think it is related to Eclipse Mars.
Same is true for example for "opentype" or such popups if they present
a quite long list of results. The first fiew items are spoken, all the
others not. In many cases just two or three items are read by Orca.

I've noticed that this tree items effect is somewhat related to the
window size and how many elements are expanded currently. IN some
cases it might help to maximize the window.

- Jann

2016-03-22 10:32 GMT+01:00, José Vilmar Estácio de Souza
<vilmar informal com br>:
Try toggle to read table cell instead of read table row.
This can be done temporarily pressing orca_key+f11. In case of it solve
the problem you can configure permanently in the orca's preferences for

On 03/22/2016 06:04 AM, Michał Zegan wrote:

I am using eclipse 4.5 mars switched to gtk2, and I have encountered a
bug that may be eclipse or orca specific, can you please check/confirm?
If you navigate to any tree like package explorer, and start expanding
tree elements... and you expand the project, then you expand the source
folder, then you expand a package, and then arrow down. package members
are spoken normally, but then things outside of it, like other folders
in the project in this case, are not spoken. instead, orca says the
project name. until you collapse a package.

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