[orca-list] [stommepoes stommepoes nl: Re: Dragging and Dropping with Orca]

oops, meant to reply to list

----- Forwarded message from _mallory <stommepoes stommepoes nl> -----

Date: Fri, 6 May 2016 09:37:02 +0200
From: _mallory <stommepoes stommepoes nl>
To: Majid Hussain <mhussaincov93 gmail com>
Subject: Re: [orca-list] Dragging and Dropping with Orca
User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

When we built a drag-and-drop interface for a quiz setup, we used
two lists: one with the answers in random order and another with
the destinations.
We had instructions for keyboarders, you could tab (or arrow) to
any answer, hit space to select it, then tab (or arrow) over to 
the next list, choose the list item which the question that
matched the answer you grabbed, and drop it there using Enter.

That's the general method for drag and drop, although it's been
removed from the Aria Authoring specs because it didn't work
well in many AT (for it to work, screen readers need to go into
focus mode or otherwise let that spacebar and enter key get
passed on to Javascript).

I've also seen other setups where popup menus with the destinations
appear that you can arrow around on as well.

So, you don't necessarily need to be able to move like a mouse
for drag and drop with coordinates-- just, at the very least,
the draggable and the drop destination need to be focusable and
have the right keystroke listeners.

On top of that there may be additional, mouse-imitating scripts
SRs themselves could add, since lots of websites with drag and
drop don't code in the keyboarding anyway.


On Thu, May 05, 2016 at 10:28:54PM +0100, Majid Hussain wrote:
hi there,
i'm interested, how would this work?
do you mean copy and paste from filesystem to webpage or something?
Majid Hussain

On 05/05/2016, Burt Henry <burt1iband gmail com> wrote:

Yes, all good GUI screenreaders except our beloved orca have this I think
now, and although I've seldom used it, (seldom use anything but orca and
speakup...lol), if you can add this, please do!

B. Henry

*follow me on Twitter @BurtHenry
 *connect on *GTalk or *AIM
     (this address)
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JDHey Parham.
JDOrca doesn't (yet) have a drag and drop feature. But I don't think this
JDwould be hard to do. I'll see about adding one.
JDOn 05/05/2016 10:24 AM, Parham Doustdar wrote:
JD> Hi,
JD> How do you guys drag and drop with Orca? An example where this is a
JD> deal is websites like Trello.
JD> Thanks!
JD> ​
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