Re: [orca-list] How are you increasing the eSpeak rate beyond what speech-dispatcher permits?

I may be wrong, but I think NVDA speeds things up by a factor of 4, although it seems more than that.
I'll have to test, but 20% with the boost sounds faster than 100%, or at least the same. I seem to remember 
using around 20% with boost anyway, and 100% 
with out it was just barely fast enough for me at the time.
That would imply a boost factor of 5 or even 6, but I think I heard it was four. 
This could be atributed to the different ranges in the bottom and top register. 
Let me think for  a sec..., (smell the smoke coming out my ears?),
OK, a factor of five might make more sense if my memories of my subjective comparison are correct, i.e. 20% 
is close to 20wpm, 18 actually in the bottom 
half of a default configuration with a   90word per min difference between 0 and 50%. 
Add 80 to 18 and 98 times the boost factor 5 gives you something like 490 wpm, notably faster than 390, and 
enough faster to make a difference to most 
folks  if top end is set to 450, and that would fit my impressions, or at least my memory of them.
Cheers for fears, 

   Registerd Linux User 521886

  kendell clark wrote:
Sat, Sep 03, 2016 at 12:06:36AM -0500

while I'm no expert at this, there's a way to increase the maximum rate
speech-dispatcher will use for espeak. It's in
/etc/speech-dispatcher/modules/espeak.conf for regular espeak, and
/etc/speech-dispatcher/modules/espeak-ng.conf for espeak ng. Ng is any
version after 1.48.15 for those of you who don't know. And joanie the
experience is *not* aweful. I don't know who wrote that but whoever it
was frankly does not know what he/she is talking about. If you define
something as aweful when you need to change one line in a config file
... I'll shut up there because if I don't I'll rant. Anyway there's a
config option called  "# Maximum rate (100 in speech-dispatcher)"
After that, the option looks like espeak-max-rate followed by a value in
wpm (words per minute). Nvda's default value for this is 450 wpm, but 
speech-dispatcher  sets it to 390. Nvda does something odd with espeak
by having a "rate boost" check box that automatically increases the
speech rate by some order of magnitude. I'm not sure of the precise
numbers but it's quite a bit faster than I can understand. Past 450 wpm
espeak uses a library called "libsonic" to speak faster, and the results
can sound a bit odd. I think the highest espeak can go is something like
1600 words per minute, so you can set this to as high as you want. Save
and close, and restart speech-dispatcher and you're good to go.
Kendell Clark

Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hey all.

To quote from twitter: "While I can't increase the eSpeak rate as in
NVDA, the experience with Orca is awful."

Bit of a buzzkill after all the positiveness, but anyway.... I have
vague recollections of people working around this. It would be great if
someone could save me the trip and give me the answer. <smiles>

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