Re: [orca-list] I'm getting real tired of apps run as root being inaccessible

The current syable version of mumble uses qt4, but they're transitioning
over to qt5 in the git version, so eventually the stable version will
use qt5. I didn't try the qt_accessibility=1 option for qt5, but I can
try it.

I *think* it's only for qt4 but it isn't going to hurt to try it. I
should probably add that to profile.d so that even as root it gets
exported. I've ust asked the mate devs to look in gnome's
settings-daemon and see if they can figure out the code that dynamically
loads the gtk modules. No response yet but it is early.

Kendell Clark

Luke Yelavich wrote:
On Mon, Sep 05, 2016 at 08:21:20PM AEST, kendell clark wrote:
I read your email again and I must've missed the stuff about qt the last

Yes, I have run the installer as root. I can't get much past the
keyboard layout section before the installer figures  out it's not run
as root but yes, it's completely accessible when run as a normal user.
Well, as accessible as qt apps ever get, flat review by word doesn't
seem to work but other than that it works fine.
Ok, great.

So now I'm confused. It looks like there is a bug somewhere after all.
If all gnome and unity do is load gtk modules, that means that apps that
don't use gtk would still be inaccessible. I have tried the installer
and other qt apps in gnome and they are inaccessible when run as root.
Did you make sure QT_ACCESSIBILITY is set to 1?

Oops, sorry about that I keep forgetting to indent, I know that makes it
easier for you to read my mails. So now I'm wondering if maybe it's an
at-spi problem? sudo -E works for apps like gparted, but it doesn't work
on the installer and mumble, and apps run as qt. Which means it can't be
an at-spi problem or gtk apps wouldn't work but maybe qt?
Ok, does mumble use Qt 4 or Qt5? I think QT_ACCESSIBILITY=1 works for both Qt 
versions, but it maybe 4 only, can't remember.

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