[orca-list] Braille in Trisquel 8.0 Alpha

It seems to work with a braillesense, connected by usb, on my machine having Trisquel 8.0, 32-bit version. I had to install and enable brltty-udev service, then, reboot. I noticed that there is no word wrap, and I'm not used to the status and role indicators. Maybe there were some things that should have been contracted that weren't? I'll have to check that further. This was on a machine having Trisquel 8, but the Linux-Libre 4.9.2 kernel. Next to try, is the netbook, which has Linux-Libre kernel 4.4 (stock Trisquel kernel). I wonder if out-of-the-box braille support can be added, without breaking normal functioning of the live medium?


Dave  H.

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