Re: [orca-list] Add shortcut to skip block of links

No, I haven't tried tweaking its settings in any way.

I will use it intentionally over the next few days, and provide pointers
whenever I find it not working for me.


Joanmarie Diggs writes:
I'm going to make the text size configurable. It's currently 75. Have
you tried reducing the size via Orca customizations as I've described
elsewhere in the thread? And if that doesn't solve it, is there a
specific test case I could look at?

On 12/14/2017 06:14 PM, Janina Sajka via orca-list wrote:
My personal experience with 'o' is that it works sometimes, but not
perhaps only around half the time. Maybe even not that often.


Joanmarie Diggs writes:
The command to move to the next "large object" (assigned to o) is meant
to accomplish that. Does it not work for this purpose?

On 12/13/2017 05:31 PM, Alex ARNAUD wrote:
Dear Joanie and all,

On NVDA, a feature really appreciated by advanced users and me is "skip
block of links" that doesn't exist in Orca.

Could it be possible to add this feature?

Best regards.
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Janina Sajka,   Phone:  +1.443.300.2200
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