Re: [orca-list] Orca master and lists

Hey Nolan.

This should hopefully be fixed now. Please let me know. Thanks again!

On 02/10/2017 07:48 AM, Nolan Darilek wrote:
Just set up to build Orca master for the first time in a while. I'm
really liking all the Gecko changes!

I'm noticing several pages where list presentation seems a bit odd. As
an example, go here:!P|SQ!evaId|4580!start|yes

Navigate to the list of departure times. As you arrow between times,
landing on each item speaks "List with 22 items." This almost makes it
seem as if there are multiple lists of 22 items, 21 empty, rather than a
single list of 22 items.

I've seen this elsewhere too. has a list of what
I assume to be client logos on top, and it behaves similarly.

Thanks for all the great work!
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