Re: [orca-list] cannot type emails using evolution and orca master latest

So I took a look. And it appears that there are one or more bugs in
Evolution (or WebKitGtk) responsible for the problem. I will have to dig
into those more in order to file them or fix them (i.e. in WebKitGtk;
not Orca). For instance, one of the things Orca uses to determine
whether or not structural navigation keys should be used is if the
focused object claims to be editable. If editable objects do not tell
Orca they are editable, there's not a lot Orca can do about that. And
this issue appears to be one of the problems.

As an aside, the reason Orca+A doesn't work is that WebKitGtk-based
applications are not using the new(ish) Web script. When I first
attempted that conversion, I discovered a number of bugs in WebKitGtk
that made doing so a really bad idea. I try to fix those within
WebKitGtk as time permits and need to do another assessment. In the
meantime, there is no browse mode for WebKitGtk apps because browse mode
assumes Orca has what it needs to do the caret navigation; it doesn't
(last time I checked). You can force toggle structural navigation keys
by using Orca+Z. That is what you will need to do at the moment to work
around whatever these Evolution or WebKitGtk bugs are.

Thanks for the report!

On 02/14/2017 01:19 AM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Confirmed. I'll take a look. Thanks!

On 02/13/2017 11:24 PM, Amir wrote:
i am not sure whether this has been discussed before.
1. open evolution mail.
2. press ctrn to write a new mail.
3. tab to the message body, orca does not speak it but i think after the
subject, it should be the message body edit box.
result: when you type, orca thinks it is in browse mode, so it will give
error, no headings etc.
orca+a to switch to focus mode does nothing.
sorry and thanks

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