Re: [orca-list] Intermittent focus vs browse mode switching when writing messages in Thunderbird

Hi Peter.

On 02/23/2017 07:26 AM, Peter Vágner wrote:

Yeah this fixes it! Thank you very very much!
Yay! Sorry it took a few tries.

Now it appears you have even pushed it further as sticky modes don't
work when writing messages in thunderbird what I think is expected.
I didn't push it further; I fixed a bug I discovered along the way
dealing with all this nonsense. Later, when I have more time, I'll see
about adding support for browse mode when editing rich text content (as
requested by Alex). But the current, by-design, support is enforced
focus mode when editing messages in Thunderbird and SeaMonkey.

For example when opening a new reply in thunderbird first empty line is
styled with style called paragraph and the text of a message I'm
replying to is styled with a style named body text.
Can I somehow configure orca to report these?
I'll at it to my todo list. Right now I've got bigger fish to fry. Like
crazy duplicate accessible apps. Wheeeeee. <tired smile>


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