Re: [orca-list] GTK dialogs Open and Save


What mostly bothers me is thar while you arrow arround for choosing a folder is that when you arrow over a 
file that your previousely choosen filename is overwritten.  if you enter an folder with just files thats a 
guarantee that the name changes. Thats not only bad for a11y (there is no notification from orca that the 
name changed again)  it also bothers me as sighted user. Caused by this my blind girl had owverwritten 
importent files more than once.

I also never understand why i need a tab completion in the name field insteed of opening an dropdown with 
matching folderrs. Or make that stuff configurable  that everyone is happy...That breaks the "tab"  flow and 
you have to press CTRL tab. It works but is not realy handy to me.

As Krishnakant writes below "he trys to using arrows" and "sometimes not respond". So saving files is 
sometimes a bit of luck and suggestions.. Thats bad... 

Cheers chrys 

Am Sa. Jan. 7 10:16:36 2017 GMT+0100 schrieb Milton:

I use Ubuntu 14.04, Orca 3.20.2 and gedit 3.10.4. Saving a document 
works fine. After pressing ctrl +s, typing a name I can Tab or Alt+Tab 
or directly pressing arrow-down to chose a folder.


Op 06-01-17 om 06:47 schreef Krishnakant:
I save files using gedit and libre office.

I do alt + p for places and then try using arrows.

Some times I don't get any response so I press it the second time.  I 
get the proper navigation on the second press of alt + p.

Then I can choose the folder etc.

Happy hacking.


On Wednesday 04 January 2017 11:35 PM, Jean-Philippe MENGUAL wrote:
Le 04/01/2017 à 19:07, chrys87 web de a écrit :
You are not. Here are also a lot of problems with navigate on that 
The name is overwritten by browsing so the ore in that the controlls 
are ordered makes no sence and tabbing is pain.
Result: dont know where files are stored or more worse data loss 
caused by accidentialy overwritten filea.

I create an bug about that years ago that was closed with wontfix.
Really? What's the URL of bugs? An explanation about wontfix?


Am Mi. Jan. 4 18:47:50 2017 GMT+0100 schrieb Jean-Philippe MENGUAL:

Personally, I have a lot of difficulties browsing in Open and Save
dialogs in most DTK apps (eg. gedit, pluma, etc). ok ctrl-l goes to
Location field, but using arrow keys to choose a file or a location,
from a list, recent choices or whatever, is a pain for me.

Am I alone with it? How do you do to handle such situations? Are there
hints to use easily this dialogs?

Thanks for reply.


Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

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