Re: [orca-list] the sonar project is switching distributions

Hey Kendell.

So looking at the Antergos page, I noticed that the "Download" link only
appears on screen if the browser window is extremely wide or you make
the text extremely small. When I don't do either of those two things, it
switches to "mobile" display. In mobile display, there's a not-very
accessible menu that you can click on, but which doesn't seem to expose
the action for us to know it's a clickable. And that not
very-accessible, non-menu, non-clickable is where the row of links
deemed to "not fit" wind up. Orca does not include hidden items in
structural navigation because it doesn't know why they are hidden, it
cannot synthesize clicks on hidden items, it cannot move you to hidden
items, etc. I'm guessing that NVDA allows you to try. Alternatively,
maybe your browser window in linux and your browser window in Windows
are sized in such a way that in Windows the row of links you want fits;
but in Linux it doesn't. Anyhoo, try maximizing your browser window. And
if that's not sufficient, try reducing the font size. In Firefox you can
do that quickly with Ctrl minus/dash (and you can then restore it to
what it was via Ctrl 0).


On 01/19/2017 06:25 PM, kendell clark wrote:
hi all

This is an announcement that the sonar project, myself, Kyle Brouhard,
and Mark Peveto have decided to switch the distribution we're based on,
from manjaro to antergos. We will maintain our link to manjaro though,
we're not severing everything, but we will be based on antergos from now
on.  Jonathan hasn't gotten back with us so we're not sure if we're
still going to be called sonar, or if we'll have to change  our name
since jonathan founded the project originally and controlls the website.
If we do end up changing names, we'll probably end up going with six
dots, which is the name of an experimental talking iso image antergos
started development on but never completed. I'll make sure to keep you
guys posted. This is largely because of manjaro's choice to go with a qt
based installer called calamares, which we've repeatedly tried to make
accessible and failed. The manjaro guys helpfully kept the older
installer around, but it's gotten unusable and they're unwilling and
usually unable to fix the bugs, so we have to switch to a distribution
that has an accessible installer. I want to personally thank the manjaro
guys for all their help, and make absolutely clear that we are not going
away from manjaro completely, and I will continue to provide package
updates to manjaro. This brings me to an issue I've been having with the
antergos website. I'm not at all sure what exactly is wrong with it, but
in orca stable, version 3.22.2, I can't seem to access a list of links,
or tab around the site to get to the links to download a copy of the
image. I had to boot into windows and use the NVDA screen reader to get
a copy. Would someone mind looking into this when you have time? This is
not critical at all. I'll also test out the new rolls that are added as
soon as I get antergos installed. I'll happily provide a debug log if


Kendell Clark

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