Re: [orca-list] Orca stops to read some lines on LibreOffice since 3.24

On 07/18/2017 09:10 PM, Jean-Philippe MENGUAL wrote:
What apps do you identify which may do this? I ask because we (Orca
community) have had no feedbacks about it for years, so the problem does
not seem to happen actually.
Again, it could happen from any app. One possibility -- but, again, not
the only one -- might be a hidden typeahead search.

Sure, just  a pitty that only Debian lets LO accessible properly due to
this patch and the fact LO does not work on accessibility until we
arrive. I think the situation is transitional, but a pitty a distro
needs to hack to deal with it.
Well, a better approach would be for the LibreOffice bug to be fixed
properly. If that's not something Hypra is capable of, perhaps one of
the Debian folks could do it?


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