Re: [orca-list] strange bug with orca and espeak ng

I can confirm this also happen with french description for emoji. Certain words from previous emoji will be added/mixed up with other words for other emoji. All in all this seems extremely buggy and unreliable. There are also some word like 'aujourd'hui' which means 'today' in english which will be pronunced as they should but there is a $text variable added out of nowhere. And this is not only in pluma, it's everywhere, firefox, pluma, gedit, nano, pidgin..
kendell clark a écrit :

I'm so sorry for the spam. This should hopefully be the last email on the subject today. I forgot to quote the command, so speech dispatcher didn't say the entire string. When I did, I got "a left eye in speech bubble" followed by the unicode code for that particular emoji. So speech-dispatcher seems to be saying it fine. So it looks like it "might" be an orca bug because of the emoji mangling when you arrow up and down the list of emojis. Once an emoji is mangled, left and right arrowing also produces mangled emojis. If it helps, I'm using both pluma and gedit to read the emoji list, to try to rule out bugs in pluma.


Kendell Clark

On 07/19/2017 03:25 AM, kendell clark wrote:

Thanks alex for the suggestion to run spd-say. I just ran that, and speech dispatcher responded with "a left eye" instead of "eye in speech bubble" so it's definitely either an orca bug or a speech dispatcher one. To be exact, I ran "spd-say -o espeak-ng 👁‍🗨 eye in speech bubble // [1F441 200D 1F5E8]"

Kendell Clark

On 07/19/2017 03:17 AM, kendell clark wrote:


I'll accept any help, especially grepping the source code to find obscure bugs. The only reason I'm thinking it's an orca bug or possibly speech-dispatcher is because when you're arrowing up and down, the emoji are mangled, but when you use left and right arrow they're not. Very odd confusing bug.

Kendell Clark


On 07/19/2017 03:04 AM, Alex ARNAUD wrote:
Le 19/07/2017 à 08:03, kendell clark a écrit :
hi all
Hi Kendell

First, clone the espeak ng git repository

git clone git://

Then, open the dictSource/en_emoji file in your favorite text editor.

Lastly, go down to the end of the file

Then, up arrow past the comments to the first emoji, which is as follows, line pasted exactly
👁‍🗨    eye in speech bubble                    // [1F441 200D 

It should be pronounced as "eye in speech bubble" as the tecxt says. Instead, it's pronounced something like "A left eye in speech bubble is" or sometimes just "A left eye in speech bubble"
To determine if it is an Orca or a speech-dispatcher issue you 
could use the spd-say command like this :
spd-say -o espeak-ng YOURTEXT

If the behavior it's the same it is probably an espeak-ng issue. From my little experience on the subject most of the time it's a matter of TTS itself.
You could use "grep" to find the incorrect conversion in the 
espeak-ng code.
Let me know if I could help you.

Best regards.
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