Re: [orca-list] Install/select Festival in Orca on Ubuntu 16.04

On Fri, Mar 03, 2017 at 02:35:42AM AEDT, Kristof Nijs wrote:
Festival is installed and I tested it in terminal. Also when brltty is
running on start up, I hear the voice until Orca starts up.
Altough, Festival doesn't show up in the Orca "Voice" menu.

Is it possible to use Festival on Ubuntu 16.04?
How can I make Festival show up in the Orca menu?
The Festival driver for Speech Dispatcher requires that Festival be run in 
server mode. You can start festival with "festival --server", and then 
re-start speech-dispatcher, and then Orca should see Festival.

Really what needs to be done is extend the Festival Speech Dispatcher driver 
to start festival itself. This is one of the many things on my TODO list.


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