Re: [orca-list] issues with orca and .. web page menus?

Hey Kendell.

I just tried this using Orca master and Firefox nightly and the menu was
navigable as I would expect, namely the menu opened up, Orca
automatically went into focus mode, and up and down arrows moved me
within the menu.


On 05/24/2017 07:54 AM, kendell clark wrote:

I forgot to provide steps to reproduce. They are below, at least for

first, go to

Then, sign in unless you're already signed in.

Then, press the b key to move by button until you hear "more actions for
device", where device is the name of one of your computers linked to
your microsoft account

Finally press enter or space on it. A menu will show up, orca will read
the menu items and then enter focus mode but you can't navigate the menu
or activate any of the choices, and tabbing out doesn't work. Also,
entering browse mode and then tabbing or navigating with the arrow keys
also does not work. To get the page back, press f5. But the button will
be collapsed again, and you'll need to reopen the menu. At which point
orca will get stuck and so on.


Kendell Clark


On 05/24/2017 12:10 AM, kendell clark wrote:
Hi all

The subject line is a little vague becauseI’m not exactly sure what
these are called. Combo box menus maybe? You click a button and a menu
pops up with choices. Orca, both stable and master has issues with the
ones at There are probably easier
places around the web to find one of these that causes orca issues,
but this is where I found them. Orca does properly enter focus mode
but can’t navigate up and down the menu with the arrow keys, and in
fact gets stuck in the menu. You can’t tab out of it back into the
webpage proper. The only way is to refresh the website with f5. I dual
boot antergos Linux with fedora mate, so either one I can test fixes
on or provide debug logs if it would be helpful.  I’m on my windows
tablet right now, which is why you’ll see the windows mail bit at the
bottom. Can anyone who has a Microsoft account confirm, or find an
easier menu to test with on a website?


Kendell Clark



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Windows 10


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