Re: [orca-list] End of Life of Skype for Linux 4.3 : help me to make Skype 8 accessible

on Slint RC2, chromium was made able to talk once speech-dispatcher got started up in it correctly. Orca has to be turned off though to use chromium with speech-dispatcher though. I don't know how far this will get anyone with current flavor of skype though.

On Wed, 22 Nov 2017, Javier Hernandez wrote:

Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2017 13:34:26
From: Javier Hernandez <javi raisingthefloor org>
To: Micha? Zegan <webczat_200 poczta onet pl>
Cc: Orca List <orca-list gnome org>
Subject: Re: [orca-list] End of Life of Skype for Linux 4.3 : help me to make
    Skype 8 accessible

Hi Michal,

as far as I know, the new skype for linux is an electron app. From an
end-user point of view, it's just an application where is
embedded and that includes the required plumbing around having the
audio/video/notifications working at the OS level. So yes, there is a
chromium engine involved, but not in a way we can add the chromevox
extension. As far as I can tell, the accessibility issues are the same
we're facing with chromium/chrome web browsers. Others, including Alex, can
explain better than me what is the current status of it.

wrt Skype's API, probably they just decided to stop providing such API
since they have moved skype into the "cloud" (, and it's true
that you can use skype from any web browser of your choice. My experience
so far with web skype is terrible, we use Skype at work and sometimes I'm
not able to even log in, which is very disappointing. Of course I always
have a backup solution, which involves using Skype on a Win/Mac OS, which
is pretty unacceptable in my opinion. That said, I'd like to think that the
Skype Team is already aware of the problems and that they will be
addressing them as soon as possible.

Best regards,

On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 6:33 PM, Micha? Zegan <webczat_200 poczta onet pl>

maybe chromevox could be integrated there? it is chromium engine after
all, and it is possible skype by itself is accessible and the only thing
that prevents it from working is not their fault.

W dniu 22.11.2017 o 16:07, Alex ARNAUD pisze:
Dear all,

On the Microsoft forum Skype team has announced that Skype 4.3 is not
longer accessible since today :

I've answer to the first post to explain the accessibility issue but I
need the help of more people to be sure we could find a solution.

Could you answer to the thread to report to the Skype team chat we need
an API to use Pidgin for example and we need to have a Skype accessible
on Linux ?

Best regards.

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