Re: [orca-list] Orca 3.26 goes inconsistently goes blank on desktop panels and menus

On Monday 23 April 2018 06:24 PM, Alex ARNAUD wrote:
Le 23/04/2018 à 14:26, Krishnakant Mane a écrit :
I have strong reasons to believe that Ubuntu-mate 18.04 will not just be a top distro in demand for professional and personal users, but also a great thing from accessibility point of view.

You know my opinion on this subject, as we're focusing on Debian, it should be the state of the art in term of accessibility. We've also pushed the new accessibility stack the stable release.

More people use Debian, more feedback we get, more Debian is accessible. In Ubuntu, the difficulty is that the team is not familiar with accessibility whereas we're a big team focused on Debian accessibility with strong collaboration with the installer and GNOME team.

Best regards,

I can't agree more with you on this.
Indeed it is a very dedicated efert.
But the fact is that Ubuntu is a proper commertial distro.
Being  a FOSS professional I have the option of paid support from the company itself.
On a personal front though, I would love to switch to Debian-mate.
However I have not got the text based installer to work so far on my machine.

Secondly, I wished we had the live cd of Debian testing so that we could get the same experience of the new stable on a live boot. I am very sure Debian is doing a great job, but to use the new stable stuff one has to always use testing and stable takes a while to have the new things. As a side note, I have a few servers running on Debian and it is really great.
Happy hacking.

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