Re: [orca-list] Feature request: enhance button quick navigation

I haven't looked at the content yet. But what you describe sounds
reasonable. So I'll add it to my list. Thanks!

On 12/10/18 3:29 AM, Peter Vágner via orca-list wrote:

I am seeing this for a long time however finally I have managed to sit
down and find out precise steps to reproduce.

Environment: Arch linux, GNOME 3.30, GTK 3.22, Firefox nightly, orca master

* Open the site in Firefox
* Press ctrl+home to make sure cursor moves to the top of a page.
* Press the tab key until orca reports FAQ link.
* Now continue navigating the page by repeatedly pressing right arrow
key and notice there are some collabsed toggle buttons there.
* Now press ctrl+home to jump to the top.
* Press letter b to jump to the next button.

Results #1:
Those not focusable toggle buttons are skipped from quick navigation.

Expected case #1:
These toggle buttons should be included in both button quick navigation
as well as list of buttons.
Note I can make these buttons to become findable by these orca features
when hacking the corresponding nodes with tabIndex property by using
Firefox web console.
So although this is most likelly an authoring issue rather than orca
issue, we might like orca to become a bit smarter i.e. if the button is
not disabled we still would like to be able to find it eventhough it may
not be focusable.
I've patched the angular app in question at: so on its next
deployment this will be fixed, however I fear something like this might
be also seen elsewhere in the wild.

I think previously I was unable to find expand all, open in a new window
and print buttons when navigating opened email conversation in Gmail,
but I can't reproduce this any more.

Thanks and greetings


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