Re: [orca-list] Any plans to migrate to

Hi Nolan.

Plans with a specific timeline? Not yet. It's on the list though. In the
meantime, feel free to just report bugs here like you've been doing.
That makes it possible for others to chime in with information (like
Peter did with your content editable element issues). And I'll see your
reports and do my very best to fix them (like I *hopefully* just did).


On 02/07/2018 05:30 AM, Nolan Darilek wrote:
For those not aware, many projects on are migrating to, a hosted GitLab instance.

Are there any plans to do this for Orca?

Speaking for myself, I find the GitHub/GitLab-style, single-screen issue
submission interface far more friendly/accessible than the multi-screen
Bugzilla one. I'd probably be a lot more likely to enter issues on
GitLab just because it's so much easier to hit, file my issue, attach a
debug.out, etc. than it is to navigate to Bugzilla, select a component,
select an interface, fill out a bunch of fields...

Just a thought. Certainly not a crucial one. :)

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