Re: [orca-list] testing openoffice calc in accessiblecoconut

Some debian stretch users are having a problem with libreoffice since it's eating 100% of their core memory. One of the replies offers the following which may make for informative reading:
On Sun, 21 Jan 2018, Sath Linux wrote:
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2018 03:38:11
From: Sath Linux <sath linux gmail com>
To: tim <isfeldt gmail com>
Cc: Orca-list <orca-list gnome org>
Subject: Re: [orca-list] testing openoffice calc in accessiblecoconut

On 1/20/18, tim <isfeldt gmail com> wrote:
I haven't gotten the chance to play with it yet, but I hear it's better
than Libre office, more accessible. So far, I've noticed an issue, and
maybe this is just me overlooking some things, but I've noticed that the
terminal, because it uses Terminator, does not have a menu bar. Normally,
like in the mate terminal for example, you can right-click, or something to
that effect, and tell it to show the menu bar. I'm not sure if you can do
this in Terminator, I haven't found that option, using my applications key
or context menu key yet., I'm about to try the right click method, and see
if this works, because I need to select a block of text, then copy it. Just
my observations so far, real quick, let me add in an update, I tried the
right quick method, same as the context menu method, no select all, or
copy, there's the paste option. And control shift a, or whatever it's
supposed to be to select all, does nothing. So I'm stuck.

Dear tim, Can you please test this with gnome-terminal ? it is in
system-tools menu. If it's fine then we will make gnome-terminal as
default. Thanking you sathyan.


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