Re: [orca-list] VMware player/workstation


I have had no luck with VMWare Player 14 at all - it crashes on startup for me on Fedora 26 and 27.
However, I do use VMWare Workstation Player 12.5 on a daily basis and it 
is pretty rock solid, so maybe worth a go?


On 21/01/18 17:11, sonfire11 gmail com wrote:

I am trying to install Ubuntu on a laptop as a primary OS. However, I must use Windows for some tasks not accessible in Linux. My first option is to use VMWare workstation or VMware player for the VM. Unfortunately, Workstation and Player 14 are not operating correctly. After install, I run the app. A license wizard appears. In the case of Workstation, I choose 30-day trial. In the case of Player, I choose ‘for noncommercial use’. I then press the OK button. Once the license is installed, the main window appears. Here is where the problems start. Once I try opening another window such as new VM or preferences, the entire app crashes. I tried this in every version of Ubuntu from 16.04 on up to 18.04 beta. How should I go about fixing the problem?

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