Re: [orca-list] Debian Accessibility

If you have hdmi on your computer or some mice attached the sound board selection may be getting confused and pointing at a device that's not a sound board. What happens when you don't press enter to use that first sound board? The two machines I have one has hdmi on it and the other only usb but I have two sets of speakers. So I could try debian on the machine with hdmi and put two sets of speakers on that machine and find out if debian installer thinks it finds three sound boards on that machine. Usually with hdmi conflicts, sound board selection will think it found a sound board in slot 0 but that'll be your hdmi and without hdmi speakers that won't work.
On Thu, 15 Mar 2018, Vlad Dragomir wrote:

Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2018 04:06:32
From: Vlad Dragomir <vladdragomir1983 gmail com>
To: orca-list gnome org
Subject: Re: [orca-list] Debian Accessibility

Dear friends, this was another failure. I think it's the fourth distribution I am trying to install, equally unsuccessful. After pressing s than enter, ESpeak says: "Please type enter to use this soundboard" That's all. I pressed enter again, and waited for about 15 minutes, nothing happened. No voice feedback when pressing either tab, or up/down arrows, nothing at all. I had to forcefully turn off the computer, and tried again on another machine, an unused laptop I'm having around. Exactly the same scenario, so I thought I'd report back to this list, maybe someone will be able to somehow use this information.
As for myself, I think I wasted enough time and energy for the time being. 
It's totally back to Windows 10. It's not free for sure, and has its 
drawbacks, but at least I can go beyond the first installation screen, 
totally independantly. Linux wasn't meant to be, although I admit I was very 
enthusiastic when I started reading about it. Anyway, it seems there are 
people here who had more luck, so I do wish you all a pleasant journey on the 
Linux ship.
All the best,

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