Re: [orca-list] #781772 is starting to really bug me...

Since I've not yet done any FIFO log buffer, could you please capture a
full debug.out using the inferior but working system in place so that I
could take a look? Thanks!

On 03/21/2018 10:11 AM, Nolan Darilek wrote:
This morning I was trying to send a message in a browser-based chat app.
I received an email 3 times while typing the message, and three times
Firefox switched to browse mode and started interpreting keystrokes as
commands. Because interpreting these commands can take a while on
complex pages, I have to sit patiently and wait for seconds to minutes,
depending on how quickly I was typing. Then I find the input area,
determine how much of my message made it, type veeeeeeerrrrrrrryyyyyyyy
sllloooowwwwllllyyyyy to minimize the effect of this, and usually get
bounced out by at least one more email. The only solution I can come up
with is killing Thunderbird while I work on Github or in chat.

Please help! :) Thanks.

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