Re: [orca-list] How to write extension for ibus input method?

Thanks! I can reproduce it. What would you like Orca to say instead of
what it is saying now?


On 03/22/2018 11:10 AM, Cameron Wong wrote:
Hi Joanmarie,

Here is the steps to reproduce the issue. (I try it on a Ubuntu live CD
in English language.)

1. Install and setup ibus-libpinyin
$ sudo apt install ibus-libpinyin
You may not need to install since I find it already installed in an
Ubuntu live CD.

Setup Chinese input method in following procedure:
Ubuntu 18.04(dev)->System Setting->Region & Language->Input
Sources->add(+)->Chinese(Intelligent Pinyin)

2. Activate Chinese input method
Open a terminal
Press SUPER+SPACE, you will see an icon on the top right window changed
from “En” to “中”
Then input “zhong”(in fact “zh” is enough), you will see a panel with 5
Chinese characters whose pinyin is “zhong”. Press Up and Down array key
to move cursor to select Chinese character.
When you press UP and Down array key, Orca(with eSpeak) will say “panel,
Chinese letter 1”, “panel, Chinese letter 2” etc. If you use a TTS
support Chinese, the word “Chinese letter” will be replaced with the
real sound of that Chinese character. But you don’t need to bother to
install a Chinese TTS.

My goal is to find a way to customize the content of “panel, Chinese
letter 1”.

Many thanks!


2018-03-22 20:28 GMT+08:00 Joanmarie Diggs <jdiggs igalia com
<mailto:jdiggs igalia com>>:

    Hi Cameron.

    I'll take a look. But I know absolutely nothing about ibus-pinyin. What
    steps do I need to take to launch/view the panel in question?


    On 03/22/2018 05:59 AM, Cameron Wong wrote:
    > Hi developers,
    > I am trying to make ibus-pinyin input method readable.
    > I have hacked ibus package to call speech dispatcher to achieve my
    > purpose directly in Ubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu 16.04 without touching
    > Orca's code in the pass years. In the old days, Orca did not read ibus
    > input method at all.
    > However, from Ubuntu 18.04 which switches to Gnome 3, Orca can read ibus
    > input method panel a bit but far from good enough. I use accerciser to
    > analyze ibus input method panel. It belongs to gnome-shell not its
    > lauching process ibus-engine-pinyin. And there no properties that I can
    > identified this panel belongs to ibus.
    > So it there a way I can write app script to change the way Orca reads
    > ibus input method panel?
    > If there is no easy way to write a script to read ibus input method
    > panel, is there a way to disable Orca reading ibus input method panel?
    > Then I can read it in my old way.
    > Or are there any other suggestions?
    > Thanks a lot!
    > Cameron Wong
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