Re: [orca-list] [Orca-list] Orca stops speaking whenever a line of dash is encountered using say all

Thanks. I'll take a look.

On 05/06/2018 11:29 AM, Tyna Pelletier-Bilodeau wrote:
Well, the subject pretty much states it all. If you use the say all
function and there are dash in the text, orca will stop speaking and be
unable to read text from a random point a bit before the dash:

"Hrumphh," Snape grimaced and swept from the room in a ripple of
billowing robes.

Minerva shook her head in bemusement, shoving the gold coins into a
hidden pocket.

Severus Snape, my dear, generous boy. . . You are such a noble,
pig-headed fraud!


Snape did his best to warn Dumbledore of his suspicions about Quirrell.

I reproduced the issue in both seamonkey and pluma, gedit and leafpad
text editor. My orca is 3.27.92pre. In clear orca stops reading and as
long as you don't move to another window and back to this one you were
reading from and go over the line of dash, you won't get any further,
since even the arrows are unresponsive.

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