Re: [orca-list] best desktop environment for orca?

Chris, Gnome 3.28 has a major memory leak though. I tried it on my high spec laptop and after about 6 hours of use it was using 5-6GB of RAM here on a default insttall.  Bear in mind that was durng the beta2 phase however.
To the people who mentioned XFCE, what's the simplest way of getting 
Orca to work with it, just export the variables into my .xinitrc file or 
did that change over the years? I'll admit, never tried XFCE but now I 
want to in order to see what all the fuss is about.

On 18/05/18 10:58, Christopher Chaltain wrote:
I prefer Gnome myself. When I compared Mate, Unity and Gnome, I found Gnome to be the most accessible. That was a while ago, so things may have changed since then, but I've had no reason to entertain the thought of changing desktops. I also notice no sluggishness with Gnome, but I'm running on a pretty new machine with pretty good specs, so accessibility and functionality is my primary factor.

On 05/17/2018 02:51 PM, Majid Hussain wrote:
heya mate,
I would go with mate myself, it is accessable lightwate on resources
so I would go with that.
gnome is another option however gnome is sluggish with responsiveness.
I hope this helps,
Majid Hussain

On 17/05/2018, Jeanette C. <julien mail upb de> wrote:
Hi Sammuel,
I have tried different environments, also using Orca. Mate does seem to be
best. I'm still not sure which window manager would be the best. My current
~/.xinitrc only has the command:
exec mate-session

Good luck and best wishes,


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