[orca-list] Audacity preferences treewiev is not accessible with Orca

I Am very sad, that Audacity preferences treewiev is not accessiblewith Orca for many years. And I Am wondering, that there is no solution available. Audacity preferences treewiev is important, because it contain information about hodkey function name, when user want to customize hod keys. If it is impossible to get accessibility related information from AT-SPI because Audacitycompiled binary do not have appropriate accessibility setup, it wouldbe perfect to find some solution.
Audacity is very probably The best free audio editor for Linux and also 
for Windows. Thanks to build in hod keys support, visually impaired sers 
can perform even advanced audio editing tasks.
Unfortunately, multi tracks audio operations can take a longer time,but 
if somebody will have desktop not laptop with 16 or 32 GB of RAM, CPU 
3,8 GH/Z and more, there will not be so significant problem.
Any help will be very welcomed. May be some AT-SPI update will help in 
this problem.

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