Re: [orca-list] Epiphany with Orca

Okay that's weird. I can't think of any ARM friendly browsers offhand currently however. On that note though I was pleasantly shocked by how useable the modern Net is with W3M however, the sites I checked didn't seem to mind it. I'm always impressed by things like that.
I'm not sure if the sound issues you mentioned in Seamonkey are fixable 
though and isn't Vivaldi either Chrome or Chrmium based? I seem to 
recall something about that being the case, or not sure if that's just 
the desktop browser.
No clue if it works on ARM devices or with Orca but I'll throw Palemoon 
out there, just as a shot in the dark really

On 06/09/18 11:29, Storm Dragon wrote:

I replied to this message yesterday, but something weird happened, and it was marked undeliverable.
I was unable to get waterfox to build, I got an interesting x86 
library error. Maybe I can figure out how to make it compile for ARM, 
but that PKGBUILD is quite complex, so I'm not very hopeful.
On Wed, Sep 05, 2018 at 03:43:43PM +0100, Orca-list wrote:
Also, Storm have you checked Waterfox out, it's based on an older....supposedly less resource intesive CPU or if you want to go really, really old school, Lynx/elinks and w3m.
Hopefully those should help, right? Admittedly not everyone wants a 
text only browser but hey, it uses barely any resources at all. 
Features....lacking a bit but hey it's fast. Now just gotta all find 
one that's fast and has features

On 05/09/18 12:23, Storm Dragon wrote:

I remember a while back, people were talking about Epiphany, the web browser, and saying it works decently well with Orca. Are there any tips to maximize its performance?
So far, most things work, I can move through links, and tab around. 
One problem I have is it seems to not be able to move through bodies 
of text unless I use the say all function.
Are there any test scripts available for it anywhere? I would really 
like to find something that works faster than firefox and doesn't 
have the sound issues of seamonkey.
Also, if any other browsers work better than Epiphany, I'm all ears. 
Just not chromium, that chromevox thing is terrible when it works lol.
Thanks for any help,

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