[orca-list] Save changed settings and braille "communication" problems [Ubuntu Mate]

Hi to all,

I'm facing  some strange issues, some related to Orca, some not, and I want to know if others have same issues or suggestions.
I'm using Ubuntu Mate 18.04, i have used for years the same distro but 
the 16.04 LTS release.
I have already explained these problems in this  post on the Ubuntu mate 
community forum,

In two words:
In UM 16.04 Orca works but have problems in saving user configs, easily fixed with help of this AskUbuntu question:
16.04.5 release seems to have Orca 3.18.2 and BRLTTY 5.3.1.
18.04 have Orca 3.28.0, BRLTTY 5.5 installed instead.

The above mentioned issue regarding Orca settings being not saved is equally present in 18.04 and I have fixed it temporarily   by setting the Orca configuration folder path in the home of my user; (tested also in a VBox VM, without success). It can be an error with permissions? I haven't touched permissions on Orca default config folders.
The problem #2 I'm facing is that BRLTTY recognize a braille display 
connected to it but doesn't work on graphical sessions, only text 
consoles. In Ubuntu Mate 16.04 was working normally with graphical Mate 
windows and text consoles.
So I'm searching what can be the problem; misconfiguration of BRLTTY or 
What makes the intercommunication of these softwares? I want to 
understand more on the accessibility "softwares ecosystem" I use every day.
I mai eventually write to the BRLTTY list to try to understand where is 
the problem: BRLTTY or Orca.

Any suggestions? Ideas?


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