Re: [orca-list] State OF Orca/Kubuntu?

Howdy Jace,

Well if you really refer to kubuntu, the Ubuntu KDE spin, i have to say KDE Plasma has still a long road to 
walk to be accessible. You do currently better using mate or gnome.

Special the main menu is not accessible in its current state (as it doesn’t send focus change events, the fix 
is not so trivial currently as the mainmenu doesn’t has an focus handling but simulates the focus only with 
an transparent highlighted  area) I will post on the list when i completed my work on plasmas main menu. This 
would not make KDE a gamechanger for accessibility yet but it starts be initial useful.

Fun fact, KDE Plasma owns 2 alternative main menus what are already initial  accessible. Sadly the way how 
you can change the main menu isn't accessible as well...

Cheers chrys

Am 01.12.2019 um 15:54 schrieb Christopher Chaltain via orca-list <orca-list gnome org>:

I tend to stick with LTS releases, and I have Ubuntu 18.04 running in a virtual machine with Orca, and 
it's one of the best experiences I've had when it comes to installing and using Orca with Linux. Over the 
holidays, I'll probably be putting 18.04 on my bare metal.

On 12/1/19 6:32 AM, Jace Kattalakis via orca-list wrote:
Just gonna ask real quick, what's the state of Orca/Kubuntu in 2019, is it useable or no? I was going to 
test it in a VM and was going to ask before diving in

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