Re: [orca-list] Editing PO files


POEDit is available fore Linux but not easily accessible as far as I can tell
(Caveat: I ma sighted, so not a good  Orca user)

the Geany editor has Translation Helper plugin that you can use for that.
To use it you need to:
1. Meke sure the plugins are installed or install them
2. Enable it at geany startup: in menu:
Tools => Plugins Manager check Translation Helper
3. Load the PO file, then access the Translation Helper Menu
from the Tools menu.

ther are also a PO mode for emacs and a PO plugin for VIM,
but I have zero experienece using them.

Le 8/12/19 à 12:25, Patrick ZAJDA via orca-list a écrit :

Under Windows, I used POEdit to update translations.

Which tool is accessible with Orca?


Patrick ZAJDA

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