Re: [orca-list] Updating Orca


yes, you can clone the git repo and run the autogen, make, make install.

As for updating Mate, I don't recommend it. it seems like every time I have updated, after reboot I get a non-speaking computer. My computer will go into text mode, unless I select a prior version of the kernel. Terrible, annoying, but that is my experience. So you can update, so long as you aren't updating the kernel or trying to update to a new version. If you do, it is best to probably just do a reinstall.


On Tue, Feb 12, 2019 at 9:48 AM James via orca-list <orca-list gnome org> wrote:
Hi folks

I would like to update Orca, or at least learn *how* to do it. Am i
correct in thinking that I need to clone the Git repo for Orca and follw
any instructions that might be found in the README file?

Also, I am running Ubuntu Mate which is I think built on top an earlier
version of GNOME. Is there a way of updating Mate or is it not
recommended to update Orca to anything otherĂ‚  than the shipped version
for a relative novice?


Best wishes


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