Re: [orca-list] Thunderbird Improvements in Daily Builds Noticed


I am also testing it right now.

With folders containing about 2000 messages it appears to be perfectly usable.
With really huge folders (I've just tested with folder with more than 
23000 messages inside) it takes some 30 seconds to become responsive 
again on my system but this is definatelly amazing.
I am no longer seeing app not responding dialog when leaving thunderbird 
window open and I have no unexpected freezes with yesterday's 
Thunderbird 66 nightly.

I'll be using this similar how I am using Firefox nightly for a few months already.

BTW it looks there are even more a11y improvements coming. List of folders inside the subscribe to folders dialog is finally becoming accessible!

I haven't yet discovered more.



Dňa 8. 1. 2019 o 8:14 Nick Wood napísal(a):
This is great news - thanks for the heads up.

Will give it a try!



On 07/01/2019 19:12, am_dxer--- via orca-list wrote:
Hi all,
I have noticed extreme speed improvements in the latest versions of Thunderbird nightlies when using Orca and thought I would alert users. Its not completely fixed but it seems much better now. A while ago, there had started to be a speed issue when switching into folders with many messages. If my memory is correct then, it was determined that Thunderbird was sending way too many accessibility events. I am not sure if this is improved or if there was some other improvement but I think its definitely worth running the latest builds for those who feel comfortable. You can just untar this and run it from anywhere. I am running on a fully up to date void Linux Mate system with no issues. I got my copy from
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