Re: [orca-list] best desktop for orca on ubuntu 18.04


I use 18.04 gnome with Orca. Alt-F2 works as expected just like Alt-Super-S to toggle Orca on or off.
After starting my laptop I hear Orca speaks a number that is the day of 
the month. Then I press Alt-Control-Escape to land on my desktop. 
Alt-Control-Tab takes me to the upper-right of the screen where with 
Right Arrow I find Activity, Clock, Accessibility and System. When I 
land on System I Arrow Down to the options like Volume setting, Wifi, 
and Shut down.
On the left bottom of the screen there is a button, Dash, I reach by 
pressing the Super key. If I start typing the letter F for Firefox or W 
for an url I hear Orca say Firefox and I just press Enter to start Firefox.
Pressing Super-A, Orca says Window, shows me all applications, navigate 
with Arrow keys or Tab.

For some sighted users, on their request, I installed gnome2 with

sudo apt install gnome-session-flashback

So they can switch between Metacity (gnome2) and Ubuntu gnome. But soon they stick at Ubuntu gnome.

Op 11-03-19 om 01:56 schreef peter rayner via orca-list:
I'm upgrading from Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04. I'm not sure which of the
multiple options on desktops produces the best interaction with orca.
So far I've seen cases where alt-f2 doesn't speak and I can't find the
old top bar via alt-ctrl-tab. It's early days though so none of this
is reliable yet.
I would welcome any guidance on what other users have chosen for their
default. If it's just a case of "things have changed, everything is
still possible it's just different" that will be fine.
Please mail me directly as well as the group ... I'm very behind with
thanks in advance

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