Date: Thu, 2 May 2019 10:53:48
From: Willem van der Walt <wvdwalt csir co za>
Cc: orca-list gnome org
Subject: Re: [orca-list] orca command-line configuration question,
   some success!
Hi Didier,
From what you say, there must still be something wrong with my mate
In the old Orca/gnome setup I had before, alt-f1 did bring up a menu, but
I just get something like "window" spoken.
I am not at the machine now, so cannot verify exactly.
Thanks for the pointers.
Regards, Willem
On Thu, 2 May 2019, Didier Spaier wrote:
> [The e-mail server of the sender could not be verified (SPF Record)]
> Hello Peter,
> for orca, a good way to learn is to use he integrated learning mode.
> Just press Orca+h and you will be guided.
> In Mate, Alt+F1 should raise the menu, from which you can navigate
using the
> arrow keys.
> Other than that, it's hard to guide you as the key bindings for Mate
> on the way it is configured.
> But you can know what they are (and change them) pressing Alt+F2 then
> typing: mate-keybinding-properties, confirming with Enter and using the
> arrow keys to navigate in the properties' menu.
> You can also type the commands in mate-terminal, that you can raise
> Alt+F2 then typing mate-terminal, or from the menu.
> Also, most Mate graphical components have an associated help, if yelp
> installed: then you will find the Help button pressing Tab several
> Hope this helps,
> Didier
> On 02/05/2019 15:05, Willem van der Walt wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I now seem to have orca coming up each time I run startx from the user
>> created for experimentation.
>> Although somewhat by accident, I do not have a gui login coming up at
>> which is actually what I prefer.
>> So I believe I have mate installed as the desktop for this gui user of
>> mine.? It does not say a lot, but I once succeeded to get to a place
>> I could type a command by pressing alt-f2.
>> I tried firefox and could get to a web site.
>> As you can gather, I think since the very old versions of
Orca/desktops I
>> used, things have changed a lot.
>> I do not have to use mate, but since that is what I seem to have going
>> I need some tutorial spesific to orca use with mate, since I do not
>> either of the two.
>> I had a look at the orca manual, but what I saw looks like it assumes
>> one knows how to operate the desktop and goes into things like
>> documents etc.
>> Any pointers, even just to the relevant section of the orca manual,
>> be welcome.
>> Kind regards, Willem
>> On Thu, 2 May 2019, Peter V?gner wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Sorry for adding more confusion.
>>> So on slint no pulseaudio is ever used until some one directly or
>>> indirectly inwokes it.
>>> And alsa is used by default all the time except of the case when
>>> audio is started. If pulseaudio is started then its alsa emulation is
>>> not to break alsa dependant apps in such a way that they can play
>>> simultaneously.
>>> This sounds awesome and theoretically speaking might help hardcore
>>> users like Janina to live a bit better in the situations where
>>> is difficult to avoid entirely.
>>> Greetings
>>> Peter
>>> D?a May 2, 2019 12:09:23 PM UTC pou??vate? Didier Spaier
<didier slint fr>
>>> nap?sal:
>>>> Correction: instead of the last line, please read:
>>>> hardware audio device, alsa drivers, alsa app.
>>>> On 02/05/2019 13:51, Didier Spaier wrote:
>>>>> So, in case of a "real" alsa app, the chain is rather:
>>>>> hardware audio device, alsa app.
>>> --?
>>> Odoslan? z m?jho Android zariadenia prostredn?ctvom K-9 Mail. Pros?m,
>>> ospravedl?te moju stru?nos?.
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