I have figured out a way that works this around for me.
The problem is that I have multiple accounts in thunderbird. Two of them have more than 10000 messages in the inbox folder and one has only about 100 messages in inbox.
I like to collapse all the folders before exiting thunderbird so when it starts no folder is opened.
My original steps were as follows:
0) Start thunderbird with all folders collabsed in the list of
message folders.
1) Focus folder list, hold down ctrl key and find the account I wish to read.
2) Release the ctrl key and press right arrow key to expand the account.
3) Press the down arrow key to select inbox for that account.
No more accessibility interaction unless I kill thunderbird and restart orca by calling orca --replace .
If I won't press down arrow in step 3 to navigate to a folder
with too many messages and navigate to a different folder with
only a few messages inside instead all is working fine and I can
browse all folders no matter how many messages there are in those
DBUS broker is really a life changer as I can really navigate even huge mail folders containing more than 70000 messages.
So it looks as if initial folder focused immediatelly when connecting to the server affects this.
Also I have configured all my accounts not to cache messages offline. I am not sure but I suspect this might be important also.
So finally workaround is found and I can live with it until something else breaks in sucha a way I will have more issues.
I'm running Thunderbird daily currently at version 68.
I'll try the stable version later today to see if I'll be getting these lockups with that version too.
Dňa April 15, 2019 1:34:05 AM UTC používateľ "José Vilmar Estácio de Souza" <vilmar informal com br> napísal:I am using dbus-broker and until now no lockups here.
On 4/14/19 4:18 PM, chrys wrote:
lockups here.--
Odoslané z môjho Android zariadenia prostredníctvom K-9 Mail. Prosím, ospravedlňte moju stručnosť.
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