Re: [orca-list] Hard Drive Suggestions?

I've been running Linux and Orca as my main operating system and screen reader since 2010, and I've never had a hard drive failure in that time frame. My laptops have been Asus or HP, and I'm still using rotary drives. I also don't have issues with Orca shutting down. I can't see how Orca would drive IO activity unless we're talking about very little memory and the swap has to keep kicking in, although again, I'd think other applications would use more real memory then Orca. It isn't like Orca has an off screen model, which I think would require a lot of memory in screen readers that use that technology.

On 5/11/19 6:13 PM, Matt - Envrin Group via orca-list wrote:
Hi everyone,

If it matters, I'm running Linux Mint 19.1 MATE 64 bit.

Went blind about 2.5 years ago, and have had constant hard drive
issues, which I'm certain is due to I/O operations of Orca.  For
example, with a decent hard drive, I can get about 8 months use of it
and Orca only shuts off maybe 3 or 4 times a day.  Running a cheap
haard drive now, and Orca shutsdown maybe 6 or 7 times an hour.
Anotheerr example is you simply can not run Orca when booting from
USB, as it always immediately shuts down upon starting, except maybe 1
out of every 50 times you start Orca you can get maybe 15 seconds
before it shutsdown.

It's definitely Orca, as I'm a software developer, and doing nothing
resource intensive.  Base Linux Mint install, and only ever really
have Firefox, xem text editor, and terminal open.  Guess I'm running
Nginx and mySQL, but can't see that doing it.  Granted, I do have
speech rate at 100%, and do move around the windows pretty quick, so
it's understandable that Orca gets overloaded and shuts down time to
time.  These are decent laptops -- Dell Inspiron, say 2.4ghz, 8GB RAM,
1 TB HD, etc...  so it's not that either.

Anyway, not frustrated or anything, as just part and parcel of being
blind.  Nonetheless, about to get new hard drives installed on a
couple laptops I have here.

Just curious, any recommendations for the best hard drive to get?
Money not really an issue, as definitely willing to spend more for
better quality on this.  I'm not great at hardware, but Seagate SCSI
1TB 15000 RPM good, or?  Am I maybe supposed to be getting a larger
SSD hard drive, and somehow forcing Orca to utilize that, or?

Any tips appreciated.  Shortly here, I'll send over to this list a
Ubiquity proceed.cfg file for automated Linux Mint installs if it will
help anyone.  It will simply allow me to do Linux Mint installs
without help from a sighted person, as that's always a headache. :-)
With this, will simply have to ensure BIOS boots from USB, then stick
the USB in, boot, and ~30 minutes later the computer will boot with a
fresh install of Linux Mint and will say "screen reader on".  Perfect!
  Will share once done and tested, in case it's useful for anyone else.

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