Re: [orca-list] Getting about:performance working

I'll take a look, but about:performance would be a lot more accessible if it provided its own keyboard navigation similar to other lists.


On 5/16/19 3:55 PM, Nolan Darilek wrote:
Firefox performance went batty on me this morning, so I went searching for a Chrome task manager equivalent and found about:performance. This partially worked, though I couldn't seem to navigate to all my tabs, and repeatedly had to tab out of and back into the window.

I'm wondering if about:performance is routinely replacing its table and Orca is losing its position? If that's the case, could Orca somehow grab the row with which it is associated, then return to that particular row or something near enough? For instance:

 * I launch about:performance and start navigating to the table. I arrive at row 4.

 * Firefox refreshes the table, so suddenly Orca loses its original position.

 * Orca returns to row 4 and, if I'm lucky, the table column where I left. So even if the table itself refreshes, Orca maintains a consistent position in the table.

I don't know if this is what's happening, but if I'm returned to the original position, at least I'll get a relative snapshot of what items are in the table, even if the items move around a bit. Usually, in the case of performance monitoring, that's good enough to give me a sense of what occupies a given slot and is stealing resources.


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