Re: [orca-list] archlinux change

The ArchLinuxARM tarballs I deal with regularly have a somewhat similar set of packages included in them, with the addition of ssh and a text editor and maybe a few other utilities, none of which are related to accessibility. I usually install the MATE desktop, plus Orca, speech-dispatcher and either espeak-ng or the AUR package rhvoice-git. If you're using Fenrir, you will need Pulseaudio and/or alsa-utils along with sox, and you will need alsa-utils if you are using speakup. But none of this has changed since base was converted from a more inclusive package group to a minimal base metapackage. None of these packages were ever in base. The main difference now is that you will need to explicitly install a text-mode editor because base no longer contains any editor, not even vi, which even BusyBox includes. But my guess is that this was done to make the text editor a user choice, which I can understand, even though I still feel like an easy-to-use editor like nano should be included on a minimal system just in case the user installing the system forgets to add one. A text editor is just too important to be without if someone installing a new system inadvertently leaves it out, but then I guess there is still pacman for that.
Imetumwa kutoka mbuzi yangu

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